
Find a Player is a multi platform app designed to take the pain out of organising and finding players for sports, games & events.

Project name: Find a player
Services: website design and programming, DevOps, Graphic Design
Industry: FinTech
Website: https://findaplayer.com/
Technologies: IOS & Android App Development, UI/UX Design, DevOPs
Region: Scotland


To lead a healthy life, two things you should definitely do are engage in regular exercise and hang out with friends. The best idea is to combine both things and work out with your buddies to have fun, get motivated and fast-track your goals. Some people exercise alone to stay focused, but for others, having an exercise partner boosts their motivation and overall performance. A sense of healthy competition can prevail between you and your workout partner, which will keep your fitness level high.


We believe that time exchange is a key tool for helping your company become more productive.Beliive Communities is an exclusive and customized solution for organizations that want to promote collaboration and the exchange of experiences using time as a currency.

integrated design

There's design, and there's art. Good design is total harmony. There's no better designer than nature - if you look at a branch or a leaf, it's perfect. It's all function. Art is different. It's about emotion. It's about suffering and beauty - but mostly suffering!

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