contact us

Talk to us

Do you have a vision in mind? Or are you looking to add new talent to your existing team! Where ever you are in a start-up life cycle we understand that your project matters. We are interested to hear about your progress and challenges and offer any help we can. Just drop us a line and we will get back to you as soon as possible to start a dialogue

Tel Japan: +81 7083432786

Tel Sweden: +46 735859836


Japan: 上野毛2-11-20, 1580093 世田谷区 東京都

Sweden: Holländargatan 4, 111 36 Stockholm, Sweden

Turkey: Bilkent Cyberpark, Cyberplaza A Blok, No: 706, 06800, Çankaya/Ankara, TURKEY

tell us about your project

  • Our representatives will contact you within 2 working days
  • Our Analysts & Developers Team prepare the estimation
  • By sending you accept the confidentiality and personal information policies